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Battery Test And Energy

Ametek Scientific Instruments11

   AMETEK Scientific Instruments is the global leader in the design, manufacture, and support of instrumentation for both the electrochemical and materials communities. 

   Comprised of Princeton Applied Research (PAR) and Solartron Analytical,  AMETEK Scientific Instruments delivers solutions to meet performance and price requirements.


  • Precision Capacitance/Loss Bridges
  • Automatic Capacitance Bridges
  • Capacitance Standards
  • Cabling & test rigs
  • Accessories

Andeen-Hagerling manufacture capacitance and capacitance/loss bridge test equipment for use in materials characterisation. Since 1982, their products have been classed world-leading, enabling measurement of pressure, cryogenic temperatures, electronic and magnetic effects, displacement and strain.

DEMCON kryoz1

  • Plug-and-play cooling platforms
  • One system - Various applications
  • Cryogen-free
  • Automated cycling
  • Fast, simple, and easy to use

DEMCON kryoz specialises in cryogenic products designed to cool electronics or samples, for materials characterisation, to extreme low temperatures within plug-and-play self-contained desktop devices. Founded in 2008, DEMCON kryoz develops unique, fully integrated cryogenic cooling systems for both laboratory and field use.

Lyncee Tec2

  • Reflection DHM® Microscopes
  • Transmission DHM® Microscopes
  • Digital Holographic Camera
  • Holographic Macroscope
  • Custom DHM® solutions

Lyncée Tec of Switzerland offer digital holographic imaging (DHM®) techniques for materials characterisation, life science and industrial inspection - making the invisible visible. DHM® is a non-scanning non-contact technology that instantly delivers 3D & 4D topography.