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We Have Moved: Elliot Scientific Ltd, Unit 11 Sandridge Park, Porters Wood, St Albans, UK AL3 6PH Tel: 01582766300 Email:

Elliot Products

Elliot Scientific offer a portfolio of precision opto-mechanical products designed for the optical table and bench. Manufactured in the UK, these components include the world-renowned Elliot|Martock micropositioning slides and XYZ Flexure Stages. We also offer high quality own-brand neutral density and colour filters, and a select range of laser mirrors and waveplates.

All Elliot Scientific Products29

  • Optical Tweezers
  • Automated Alignment Systems

Elliot Scientific has developed numerous optical, mechanical and electronic custom systems for use in research and industry. Some of these have proven to be of particular benefit for the application they were designed for, and have then been further developed into a commercial product. Our current ranges are detailed below:

All Elliot|Martock Products223

  • XYZ Flexure Stages
  • Fibre Launch Solutions
  • Auto-alignment Solutions
  • Linear, Tilt & Rotation Stages
  • 3, 4, 5 or 6 Axis Stages
  • Lens Positioners & Accessories

Unique benefits

  • Higher resolution
     - for precise postioning
  • Higher capacity
     - industry leading 4.5 kg load
  • Higher flexure stiffness
     - better stability
  • Superior axis isolation
     - minimal crosstalk between axes

Demand the gold standard in quality and performance! Don’t settle for an inferior non-descript imitation of the original flexure

Back in 1973, Martock Design Ltd (a subsidiary of Elliot Scientific) began developing and manufacturing a range of high precision instruments and equipment to meet the demands of the research and then telecom communities. Today, the latest generation of ELLIOT|MARTOCK XYZ flexure stages continues to be the standard for the research community and for customers who demand the very best in stability, resolution, flexibility and overall performance.

To complement the worldwide success of the ELLIOT|MARTOCK “Gold” flexure stages, a range of micropositioning stages and accessories has been designed to expand the range of solutions which ELLIOT|MARTOCK can provide, from OEM micro-stages and adjusters to complete fibre alignment tools and auto-alignment systems such as the successful DAli-3 fibre auto-alignment system.

Custom Orders, Design & Build8

  • Bespoke manipulation systems
  • Tailored from existing Elliot|Martock components or
  • Designed from scratch and manufactured by Elliot Scientific
  • Single, custom units or multiples for OEMs
  • High quality, innovative, and unique
  • Custom Orders