SpectralLED Light Sources: RS-7 Series

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- Model: Gamma Scientific RS-7
Versatile LED light source for a very broad range of applications
RS-7 Series SpectralLED® Light Sources
The advanced RS-7 SpectralLED® light source offers the finest and most versatile controlled light energy technology available.
This popular multiple award winning SpectralLED® tuneable and fixed wavelength light source range from Gamma Scientific combines the output of many discrete LEDs to produce an output that can be programed to closely match virtually any illuminant source, or the spectrum of any illuminant reflected by a target. The latest RS-7-2 VIS SWIR platform features two SpectralLED® light engines mounted onto a 500 mm integrating sphere with 150 mm output port. It offers a spatial uniformity of over 98% across an 8° field of view. The solid-state design incorporates 31 discrete visible wavelengths, and 10 shortwave infrared wavelengths ranging from 380 to 1700 nm, for synthesis of commercially available light sources. Custom wavelength options are also available. SpectraLED® Family of Tuneable Light Sources
SpectraLED® Fixed Wavelength Light Sources
SpectraLED® Extended Dynamic Range
Offering substantially longer calibrated and stable lifetimes than tungsten sources, the RS-7 series SpectralLED® Tuneable LED Light Sources can sweep through wavelengths to simulate a scanning monochromator, but with the advantage of no moving parts. In addition to good spectral resolution and accuracy, the SpectralLED® is about 10x brighter than any competitive product. This allows measurements over a much larger, linear dynamic range, and is sufficient to illuminate virtually any detector at levels up to saturation. The SpectralLED® uses highly stabilised DC drive current circuitry to vary output luminance, rather than pulse width modulation (PWM). This is critical when testing high speed silicon detectors which can easily time resolve PWM signals. Consequently, the RS-7 is ideal for wafer level testing of CCD and CMOS sensors and a turnkey RS-7-4 drop-in model has been developed for existing image sensor testers from manufacturers such as Teradyne and National Instruments. It can also be readily adapted for custom instrumentation built to test head manipulators and handlers. |
RS-7 SpectralLED® RS-7 with fibre-optic outputs 1m integrating sphere fitted with RS-7 illumination RS-7 IRIS option RS-7-7 Light Bench RS-7 Wavemon™ option for real-time |
All Gamma Scientific light sources are calibrated and traceable to the National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST).