- Precision Capacitance/Loss Bridges
- Automatic Capacitance Bridges
- Capacitance Standards
- Cabling & test rigs
- Accessories
Andeen-Hagerling manufacture capacitance and capacitance/loss bridge test equipment for use in the lab and field. Since 1982, their products have been classed world-leading, enabling measurement of pressure, cryogenic temperatures, fluid levels, material characterisation, displacement and strain.
Brand: Andeen-Hagerling
Model: Andeen-Hagerling AH 1100
The World's Most Stable Capacitance Standard in commercial production
AH 1100 Capacitance Standard Frame +
AH 11A Fused-Silica Capacitance Standard
The Andeen-Hagerling AH 1100 capacitance standard frame contains from one to four AH 11A fused-silica capacit..
Brand: Andeen-Hagerling
Model: Andeen-Hagerling AH 2550A
Capacitance measurement of unmatched precision
AH 2500 Automatic Capacitance Bridge 1 kHz
The Andeen-Hagerling Model 2500A measures capacitance and loss in medium and high impedance ranges, and thus allows using three-terminal rather than five-terminal conne..
Brand: Andeen-Hagerling
Model: Andeen-Hagerling AH 2700A
Unparalleled stability, resolution, linearity, and accuracy
AH 2700A Ultra-precision Capacitance Bridge 50 Hz - 20 kHz
The Andeen-Hagerling AH 2700A offers unparalleled stability, resolution, linearity and accuracy in a multi-frequency capacitance/loss bridg..
Brand: Andeen-Hagerling
Model: Andeen-Hagerling DCOAX
Reduce induced cable errors
DCOAX Dual Low-Noise Optimised Coaxial Cable
Very high precision, three-terminal capacitance measurements can be affected by the self-inductance of the test cables, mainly at higher capacitance values. Magnetically induced noise c..
Brand: Andeen-Hagerling
Model: Andeen-Hagerling TTA1
Eliminate uncertainty associated with "home made" fixtures
TTA1 Two-Terminal to Three-Terminal Test Adaptor
The Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 test adaptor provides the means to connect ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 style two-terminal standard capacitors to a three-terminal ..
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