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Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS

Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
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Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
Tags: Laser
Fibre Collimators: Standard, IR, UV, RGB and Custom - μLS
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  • Model: μLS Fibre Collimators

Standard, UV, RGB and Custom designs   

Fibre Collimators   

The Micro Laser Systems' FC Series of collimators are designed specifically for single mode fibre (US: fiber), polarisation maintaining fibre, and fibre laser applications requiring a pure Gaussian beam.

A brochures and datasheet detailing Micro Laser Systems' family of fibre collimators can be downloaded from the Documents tab above.

Standard Models

Body sizes range from 2.4 to 100 mm with a corresponding range of apertures and beam sizes. All have a very clean output and no diffraction patterns or beam distortions. The output stays Gaussian no matter the distance. Micro Laser Systems' collimators have an FC or FC/APC receptacle input. The output is adjustable for tuning the desired wavelength to the best collimation.

Four wavelength regions cover from 350 to 2300 nm. A new coating covers the 2 µm region. These collimators can be used with diode lasers, Ar, YAG, Ti-Sapphire, HeNe, DPSS, Fibre Lasers and many others.

Micro Laser Systems' FC Series collimators can be used with any commercially available fibre coupled diode laser. An important factor is the fibre used. Its quality plays an important role in how well the laser or collimator performs.

The Micro Laser Systems' FC Series of collimatorsMicro Laser Systems can also supply a matching fibre optic assembly using singlemode, polarisation maintaining and multimode fibre for all wavelengths recommended for use with these collimators.


  • For Singlemode and Polarisation Maintaining Fibres
  • Gaussian beam at any distance
  • Wavefront error <1/10 wave
  • Apertures from 1.6 to 96.5 mm
  • Adjustable focus/collimation
  • 350 to 2300 nm
  • Excellent for high power and fibre lasers, especially in biomedical applications and quantum optics
  • Special, non-magnetic FC5Ti and FC20Ti models with titanium bodies
  • Vacuum compatible models also available - contact us for details

Fixed Wavelength Collimators

Fixed CollimatorsThe FCX20 series is based on the standard FC20 Fibre Collimator but fixed at one wavelength. They offer a highly collimated, Gaussian beam with low wavefront error and are readily available in several popular wavelengths.

The FCX20 comes with a 3 mm cable terminated with an FC or FC/APC connector. Either single mode fibre or polarization maintaining fibre (Panda type) can be pigtailed.

  • Available for 638, 1064 or 1550 nm
  • Other wavelengths to order
  • Quality 11 mm beam
  • 22 mm aperture
  • For single mode or PM fibres
  • FC, FC/APC or FC/UPC

Mid-IR Collimators

Mid-IR CollimatorsMid-IR Fibre Collimators cover the wavelength range from 2.5 to 6 µm and are equipped with a lockable finely adjustable focus to generate a distant small spot or cover a wider area with the beam for gas analysis.

The standard Mid-IR collimators have an FC or FC/APC receptacle and a stainless steel body. A ring adapter is available for mounting the collimator to common optical mounts.

  • 2.5 to 6 µm
  • Adjustable collimation
  • Quality 2 mm beam (approx)
  • 4 mm aperture
  • No epoxy in the optical path
  • FC or FC/APC

UV Collimators in Glass or Fused Silica

UV Collimators
  • Designed for 350-410 nm region
  • Clean Gaussian beams
  • Adjustable collimation / focus
  • No epoxy in the optical path
  • FC, FC/APC or pigtailed
  • For single mode, PM fibres or fibre lasers

This version of Micro Laser Systems' standard FC5 fibre collimator has been specially coated for the 350 to 410 nm wavelength range. The lens system is well corrected to give excellent beam quality and minimise fluorescence.
The output beam is user adjustable using the fine pitch threaded barrel to allow for optimised collimation at the operating wavelength.
The collimators have an FC or FC/APC receptacle as standard, and adaptor rings are available to mount the units to common optical mounts.
For more demanding applications, an all fused silica version of FC5 is available.

FC: Ferrule Connector
APC: Angled Physical Contact

Fused Silica Collimators

Fused Silica Collimators
  • 200 to 2100 nm
  • Adjustable focus
  • Low wavefront error
  • Available with BBAR or uncoated
  • FC or FC/APC

The FC5S and FC10S Fused Silica versions are of a multi-element design that delivers a highly collimated, Gaussian beam with low wavefront error. The lockable adjustable focus feature enables focusing a very tight spot at a great distance, or expansion of the beam to illuminate an area.


  • Spectroscopy
  • Space/radiation environments
  • Particle accelerators

RGB Collimators

RGB Collimators
  • Apochromatic collimator
  • 400 to 700 nm
  • Low wavefront error
  • Low beam divergence
  • FC receptacle or pigtailed

This fibre collimator is designed to transmit red, green and blue wavelengths simultaneously without any distortion.
Standard commercially available achromats have severe spherical aberrations which can blur or cause beam distortions. This specially designed fibre collimator corrects for distortion, aberrations, and colour.
Output beam size is 2 mm diameter from a 6 mm aperture. Input end has an FC receptacle or a pigtail. Housing body is made of stainless steel.


  • Projection
  • Flow cytometry
  • Microscopy

Custom Collimators

Custom Collimators
  • Designed for your application
  • Air spaced optics
  • Variable or fixed focus
  • Housing and mounting options
  • Any fibre
  • Collimating, expanding, or focused
  • Choice of sizes
  • Environmental requirements
  • Integration of
    • Additional optics
    • Lasers
    • Detectors

Micro Laser Systems' standard fibre collimators are great for prototyping and research. The experimenter can collimate, expand or focus the beam for the required wavelength, or use different fibres or wavelengths. However, once parameters have been determined, the production collimators can be tailored to fit the application exactly.
Micro Laser Systems design and manufacture all component parts of their collimator ranges. This ensures they can change any parameter of the fibre collimator to suit the requirements of the user.
Typical custom requests include pigtailing, fixing at a certain wavelength, or modifying the coating range. More complex orders have included radiation protection, extreme temperature ranges, and special optical designs. Micro Laser Systems can also design in additional optics for very compact and robust packages.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Fibre Focuser

Fibre Focuser
  • Air spaced design
  • Various focusing elements
  • Short to long working distances
  • Many different spot sizes
  • FC, FC/APC, or pigtailed
  • Stainless steel housing

In addition to the custom collimators, Micro Laser Systems also offer a Fibre Focuser based on their FC10 model that can accommodate various focusing optics. It can therefore be optimised for singlemode fibre, polarisation maintaining (PM) fibre, or large mode area (LMA) fibre.
The standard Fibre Focuser is a multi-element design that provides a tightly focused spot with good working distances. It is available with an FC or FC/APC receptacle or can be pigtailed with your choice of fibre.
Custom Fibre Focusers can be produced for a particular wavelength and can also include other optical elements such as filters, polarisers, or windows. Any focal length or spot size can be designed and manufactured according to application, and supplied with matching diode lasers for a complete system.


  • Direct write systems
  • Confocal instrumentation
  • Materials processing
  • 3D laser printers

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Need eye protection?

Microlaser Systems website

File Name Size Link
Custom Fibre Collimators Datasheet 260.58KiB Download
FC3 Series Adjustable Focus Collimator 475.06KiB Download
FC5-UV Datasheet 327.17KiB Download
FCX 20 Datasheet 300.99KiB Download
Fibre Collimator Family 2016 1.1MiB Download
Fibre Collimators 2019 900.11KiB Download
Fibre Focuser Datasheet 2015 428.37KiB Download
Fused Silica Fibre Collimators 2016 Datasheet 362.93KiB Download
MID IR Collimator Datasheet 440.98KiB Download
RGB Fiber Collimator Datasheet 609KiB Download
Small Collimators Datasheet 370.84KiB Download
SWIR Fiber Collimators Datasheet 544.17KiB Download
Terms and Conditions V6 207.42KiB Download
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 (1 Pages)